Nigel Slater’s recipes from a summer herb garden (2024)

A few steps from the kitchen door is a low wooden table creaking with pots of herbs. Knocked together from a packing crate and an old door, now weathered and green with moss, it is home to almost all of my kitchen herbs including thyme and tarragon, several varieties of mints and a lemon verbena. There are two or three clumps of chives, green and golden marjoram (beautiful, but tasting pretty much identical), others of basil and rosemary, and several rose- and lemon-scented pelargoniums.

The herb table came about simply because I ran out of space on the kitchen steps. What started as the odd homegrown thyme bush soon became quite a collection, though I will admit to losing as many as I have safely nurtured, probably more.

I grow herbs in pots because the soil in the garden is too heavy and rich for most varieties to thrive. Most herbs prefer a thin, well-drained soil – where mine is as rich and claggy as sachertorte. Pots, mostly terracotta – a few made from coir – have turned out to be a better home for them, where I can mix their peat-free compost with plenty of grit for drainage, so their roots don’t sit in the wet, which most herbs hate.

As the summer lingers, I let them flower – those of the chives and rosemary are particularly enchanting – and if I grew coriander I would look forward to that, too, for its lacy white umbrellas of blossom. (Coriander and parsley are used in profusion in the kitchen here, I pick them up from the shops in cheap, fat bunches instead.)

Overwintering herbs in my garden is a bit hit and miss. The thymes tend to come back every year, though in my experience rarely stronger than the initial year, and the oreganos and rosemary are pretty reliable too. However, I treat most of my kitchen herbs as annuals and, not having a greenhouse, replace them each spring. Dill and fennel do well in large pots, though grown apart in case they cross pollinate. (Good luck with overwintering basil plants.)

And I’ll tell you a little secret about homegrown herbs; even a single pot of thyme on the windowsill can bring a certain pleasure. You don’t even have to cook with it, just crush the leaves in your hands, cup them to your face and breath in deeply.

Baked tomatoes, basil bean cream

A bells and whistles version of tomatoes on toast here, but with good reason. As you slice into the baked tomatoes, their sweet-sour juices spill deliciously over the soft mound of herb-speckled bean puree – a taste of deep summer.

Makes 4 toasts
tomatoes 12 small-medium (500g)
thyme sprigs 6
olive oil 3 tbsp
sourdough or ciabatta 4 slices

For the bean puree
haricot beans 1 x 400g tin
olive oil 5 tbsp
basil 20g
garlic 1 small clove

Set the oven at 210C fan/gas mark 8.

Put the tomatoes snugly in a roasting tin, tuck in the thyme sprigs, then pour over the olive oil. Season with salt and black pepper, then bake for 20 minutes or until the tomatoes are soft and their skins are just starting to burst.

Drain the beans and bring them to the boil in a pan of fresh water. (I often add a few sprigs of thyme and a couple of bay leaves, but it is not essential.) Lower the heat to a simmer and leave for 10 minutes. Drain the beans reserving a tablespoon of the cooking water. Put the beans into the bowl of a food processor, add a little salt and black pepper, the 5 tablespoons of olive oil and the basil leaves. Peel and add the clove of garlic, then process for a few seconds (only) to a thick, green cream.

Toast the bread on both sides. Spread the basil cream over it, then divide the tomatoes between the toasts, spooning over any thyme-scented juices from the pan.

Summer pilaf with preserved lemon and salted ricotta

Nigel Slater’s recipes from a summer herb garden (1)

There is a certain ease to this pilaf, the grains of rice freckled with herbs and green summer vegetables. It is as good served at room temperature as it is when eaten straight from the pan. With seasonings of salty ricotta and sour preserved lemons, the rice has something of a spring it its step. I bring this to the table as it is, but it makes a fine side dish for cold salmon or slices of smoked mackerel too.

Serves 2-3
broad beans a couple of handfuls, about 200g (shelled weight)
asparagus 250g

For the pilaf
white basmati rice 120g
butter 35g
bay leaves 3
green cardamom pods 6
black peppercorns 6
cinnamon 1 stick
cloves 2 or 3
cumin seeds a pinch
thyme a couple of sprigs

To finish
mint leaves 8 large
parsley, coriander 30g (total weight)
spring onions 4
preserved lemons 45g
salted ricotta 50g

Cook the beans in deep, lightly salted, boiling water for 3 or 4 minutes. Drain and pop the largest of the beans from their skins. Any very small beans can be left as they are. Trim the asparagus, removing any tough ends, then cut the spears into short lengths. Boil or steam for 5 or 6 minutes until just tender, then drain.

Wash the rice three times in a bowl of warm water. This will prevent it sticking together. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a moderate heat, add the bay leaves, the cardamom pods lightly crushed to reveal their seeds, the peppercorns, cinnamon stick, cloves, cumin seeds and thyme. Stir the spices and herbs around in the butter for a minute or two, then, as soon as they are warm and fragrant, drain the rice and add it to the pan. Stir the rice to coat it with the butter then pour in enough water to cover the grains by 2cm.

Season with ½ a teaspoon of salt, turn down the heat so the water simmers, then cover tightly with a lid. After 7 minutes fold in the drained asparagus and the broad beans. Replace the lid and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, leave the lid in place and set aside for 3 minutes.

To finish, put the mint leaves on top of one another, roll tightly, then shred finely. Remove the parsley and coriander leaves from their stems and finely chop. Finely slice the spring onions, discarding the dark shoots. Halve the lemons, discard the flesh inside and finely dice the skins. Stir the herbs, diced lemons and spring onions into the rice and transfer to a serving dish. Crumble the salted ricotta finely and scatter over the rice.

Green beans with lemon and tarragon

Nigel Slater’s recipes from a summer herb garden (2)

I like to serve a small and elegant deep-summer salad alongside a plate of roast spring carrots or sautéed courgettes. Such a dish is also substantial enough to be a main course when served with a rice pilaf. There is a beautiful contrast of textures here, with long, slightly crisp climbing beans and plump broad beans and tiny garden peas. I cook the peas only briefly, so they are almost raw, but let the green beans cook longer, until they just start to bend, when their flavour seems at its best. The creamy quality of the dressing is lifted with tarragon vinegar, though a plain, white wine vinegar will do if that is what you have. The dish is served slightly warm rather than hot.

Serves 2 with rice (4 as a side dish)
lemongrass 2 large stalks
creme fraiche 200g
green beans 150g
young peas in the pod 100g (weight in pod)
small broad beans 350g (weight in pod)
tarragon leaves 2 tbsp, chopped
tarragon or white wine vinegar 1 tbsp

Cut the lemongrass stalks in half, then bash them with a heavy weight to splinter the stalks. Put them in a saucepan, add the creme fraiche and bring to the boil. Immediately remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse.

Bring a medium-sized pan of water to the boil. Top and tail the green beans and cook them in the boiling water, lightly salted, for 5 minutes or until tender but still lightly crisp. Remove from the water and set aside. Add the peas in their pods to the water and cook for 3-4 minutes, then drain and add to the beans.

Bring the water back to the boil, pod the broad beans then cook in the boiling water for 4-5 minutes depending on their size. Drain and set aside and, if you wish, remove from their skins.

Remove the lemongrass from the creme fraiche and stir in the chopped tarragon, a little salt and pepper, and the tarragon or white wine vinegar. Toss all the beans and peas in the creme fraiche dressing and serve.

Rosemary kefir rolls with beetroot, dill and smoked salmon

Nigel Slater’s recipes from a summer herb garden (3)

A generously stuffed roll is my first choice for a picnic. A fat, fluffy bun will stay in better condition than a sandwich and is easier to transport. If I am making the rolls myself, I might fleck the dough with herbs – thyme and rosemary are especially good – and a little salty cheese such as feta or salted ricotta.

Makes 6 large rolls
plain flour 500g
fast-acting yeast 1½ tsp
sea salt ½ tsp
kefir 200ml
olive oil 3 tbsp
warm water 100ml
feta cheese 200g
rosemary 3 bushy sprigs
thyme 5 bushy sprigs

For the filling
cider vinegar 2 tbsp
honey 2 tsp
grain mustard 1 tsp
dill 2 tbsp, chopped
beetroot 300g
smoked salmon 250g

To finish
olive oil a little
thyme and rosemary a few sprigs

Put the flour, yeast and salt in a large, warm mixing bowl. Put the kefir in a jug, add the olive oil and the warm water and stir well. Combine the kefir mixture and flour with a wooden spoon or your hands and mix until you have a soft and slightly sticky dough.

Crumble the feta into a small bowl. Remove the leaves from the rosemary and thyme, and finely chop them to give you 1½ tablespoons and add to the crumbled cheese.

If you are making the dough by hand, tip on to a floured board and knead the cheese and herbs into it. If you prefer the easy way, use a food mixer fitted with a dough hook to knead the cheese and herbs into the dough. Continue kneading for a couple of minutes, adding a little more flour if necessary to stop it sticking, then put the dough back in its bowl, cover with a clean, warm cloth and put it in a warm place. Leave the dough in peace until it has risen to almost twice its original size.

Line a deep-sided baking tin with a piece of baking parchment.

Cut the dough into 6 equal pieces then shape each one into a round bun. Place the buns in the baking tin, three down each side, then return to the warm place, cover with the cloth and leave for about 30 minutes, until nicely risen and touching one another.

Set the oven at 210C fan/gas mark 8. Toss the herbs in the olive oil and scatter them over the rolls then bake for about 20 minutes, until lightly golden brown.

To make the filling, in a medium-sized bowl, use a fork to mix together the cider vinegar, honey, mustard and dill.

Peel and coarsely grate the beetroot into the bowl, toss with the dressing, then set aside for 20 minutes.

To serve, split the rolls in half and fill with the beetroot and dill salad, fold slices of smoked salmon and place on the beetroot, then close the sandwiches and serve.

Cantaloupe with basil and mint

Nigel Slater’s recipes from a summer herb garden (4)

Throughout the summer, there are melons, in various shades and stages of ripeness, in the kitchen. Once ripe, they are moved to the fridge to thoroughly chill. Some are sliced and eaten for breakfast, others share a plate with thin folds of culatello or Iberico ham. Occasionally, those melons end up in salads, their juices seasoned with basil or mint and used in the dressing.

When the evenings are really hot, I sometimes put scoops of ripe melon – honeydew, cantaloupe or charentais – into a syrup of elderflower, mint and basil. You can make your own syrup with elderflower cordial and sparkling water or use a bottle of ready-made elderflower drink. Lightly crushing the herb leaves as you tuck them among the melon scoops releases their fragrance into the syrup.

Serves 4
mint 6 bushy sprigs
basil leaves 12, large
elderflower drink 750ml, chilled
orange 1
cantaloupe melon 1 ripe 1.5kg

Wash the mint sprigs then put them in a deep bowl, lightly crushing the leaves in your hand as you go, to release the fragrance. Do the same with the basil. Pour over the elderflower drink. Cut the orange into thick slices and tuck among the herbs.

Halve the melon. Using a spoon, scoop out and discard the seeds and core. Cut the flesh into large pieces and add to the marinade. Set aside for two hours in the fridge until thoroughly chilled. Serve the melon in individual glasses, then strain the elderflower syrup over the fruit.

The Observer aims to publish recipes for sustainable fish. Check ratings in your region: UK; Australia; US

Nigel Slater’s recipes from a summer herb garden (2024)


Is Nigel Slater a vegetarian? ›

Although not strictly vegetarian (the bottom line for me will always be that my dinner is delicious, not something that must adhere to a set of strict dietary rules) much of my weekday eating contains neither meat nor fish.

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Make the custard by beating 125g caster sugar with 6 egg yolks till light and fluffy. Warm 600ml of milk with a split vanilla pod to boiling point, then pour it on to the egg mixture. Pour back into the rinsed milk pan and stir over a low heat till the custard starts to thicken slightly.

How do you make Nigel Slater green beans? ›

Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Trim 350g of green beans. When the water is boiling, add a little salt and the beans and let them cook for 3 or 4 minutes then drain. Toss the beans with the mushrooms and serve immediately.

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Roast winter roots and lemon cannellini cream

Put the carrots, parsnips and Jerusalem artichokes in a roasting tin. Trim the beetroots, leaving a small tuft on top (so they do not “bleed”), add them to the tin and pour over the olive oil. Add the ground spices and cumin seeds to the vegetables.

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Around my middle was a thick layer of fat.” The technique to get rid of it was keeping a food diary, he revealed in a feature for the Guardian. “For the entire 12 months I kept a record of everything I put in my mouth,” he revealed. Despite losing fat, Nigel was not intending to lose weight through his regime.

Is Nigel Slater a chef or a cook? ›

Author, diarist, programme maker and cook, he remains very much an amateur in the kitchen. Nigel is not and never has been a professional chef. His food is simple, understated, handcrafted home cooking. He believes there is something quietly civilizing about sharing a meal with other people.

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Mr. Slater eventually marries Joan and becomes more unbearable from the excessive consumption of Mrs. Potter's cooking. Nigel reaches a boiling point with his stepmother when he starts working at the local pub's restaurant to hone his skills in more sophisticated cooking, which she perceives as a threat.

Is egg custard the same as custard? ›

Egg custard is a variation on cream custard. Egg custurd is a tick rich creamy sweet or savory dessert, made mixtures of eggs or egg yolks, milk or cream, flavorings (vanilla, nutmeg, etc.) and optionally, sweeteners (sugar, honey). Basic custards are thickened and set by eggs alone.

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The differences between them: Pudding is made with sweetened milk or cream-based mixture thickened with corn starch or flour that is cooked on the stove. Custards are milk or cream-based and uses eggs. Custard is usually has to be baked with a water bath.

How to make pesto Nigel Slater? ›

Put 50g of basil leaves into a food processor with a generous pinch of salt, 4 tbsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of pine kernels and a small clove of garlic. Process briefly, until you have a creamy paste, then scrape into a mixing bowl with a rubber spatula and beat in 2 tbsp of grated parmesan.

How do you make cannellini beans Nigel Slater? ›

Finely chop the dill and stir into the garlic. Tip the butter beans and cannellini together with their liquor into the pan and stir to coat them with the oil and garlic. Leave over a moderate heat, covered by a lid, for a few minutes until the beans are hot. Finely grate the lemon zest and squeeze the juice.

Should I soak green beans before cooking? ›

Here's a secret you may not know: You don't actually have to soak your beans at all. Just add them to your pot and plan on cooking your recipe for another hour or two beyond the usual cooking time. Keep an eye on the level of liquid, adding more water, broth or stock if the pot looks dry.

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Set the oven at 180C fan/gas mark 6. Cut the squashes in half and use a spoon to remove the seeds and fibres. Place the squash hollow side up in a roasting tin, then divide the butter and thyme between them. Season with salt and black pepper and bake the squashes for 40 minutes until the flesh is soft and giving.

How do you roast Jerusalem artichokes Nigel Slater? ›

Pour over 3 tbsp of olive oil, a little salt and black pepper and toss the artichokes so that they are nicely coated. Cut 1 lemon in half, add it to the pan without squeezing, then roast for 35 minutes at 200C/gas mark 6 until the artichokes are tender when pierced with a knife.

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Red Cabbage

Sure, you're familiar with green cabbage. But red cabbage is high in the antioxidant, anthocyanin, which is what provides its deep red hue. Slice and toss it with other greens for a colorful winter salad, or sauté with vinegar and a tablespoon or two of butter for a sauerkraut-like side dish for pork.

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From Benedict Cumberbatch (aka Doctor Strange) to Mark Ruffalo (aka The Hulk) a number of actors in the Avengers films are vegan.

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Josie Clemens is the first vegan chef on Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen: Young Guns Edition, and a new culinary director at Jackfruit Land. Listen as Josie talks about what it's like to work in Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay, how she embraces her fiery side, and what she's currently working on with Jackfruit Land.

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Personal life. Brown is married to Tracy Brown, has two children, and lives in Southern California. He became a vegetarian in high school and is now vegan. Brown is also an environmentalist.

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Bri Kozior was a contestant on Masterchef Season 4 who made it in to the top 6. She is a vegetarian, but occasionally had to cook dishes with meat.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.